
Here’s a selection of what past and present customers have to say about dealing with Mark Bull Electrical and our quality of workmanship.

I have been working with Mark Bull Electrical for about four years now, and in that time we’ve built quite a lot of houses. I would not hesitate in recommending him for a job, and plan on building many more houses with his help and encourage others to do so.

Dave Simpson

The Catholic Diocese has engaged Mark Bull Electrical to carry out a variety of electrical repairs and upgrade projects across a broad and diverse range of buildings within the Diocesan property portfolio. Whilst not a major customer, we have benefited from ‘same day responses’ to all our requests for assistance, irrespective of whether they have been emergency situations, or those of routine maintenance.

In instances whereby problems are not able to be rectified there and then, either due to time constraints or a need to order in electrical components, electrical circuits have either been isolated or bypassed to make safe, ensuring peace of mind in the interim until full repairs can be completed. On every occasion, employees have offered a full explanation of situations, provided clear options for resolution, and quality advice where improvements could be made. In every situation, we have been kept fully informed, to the extent that on no occasion has there been the need to ‘chase them up to find out what’s going on’

It has been our experience that all work has been carried out with the utmost integrity and professionalism, and we would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Mark Bull Electrical as a solution for all electrical needs.

Gavin Richardson

Catholic Diocese of Rockhampton